according to the British "media weekly" website reported that,, according to the performance of the major consumer, issued by the Audit Bureau in February 2011 published from July 2010 to December, the number of statistics, said the "economic man" in the second half of 2010, the United Kingdom consumer market performance is outstanding, hairAccording to the British "media weekly" website reported that for the major consumer of the performance, the issuance of the Audit Bureau in February 2011 released from December to July 2010 the amount of statistics, said the economist in the second half of 2010, the British consumer market performance is outstanding,, an increase of 11%,
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issue of the "economist" into the UK sales in June 1, 2011, the article pointed out that the strong demand for international affairs analysis and understanding to help the economist in the UK’s issue volume increased to a record 210204. The issue of the audit bureau released statistics also show that the economist in the second half of 2010 increased by 7.7% over the first half, the annual subscription number increased by 17.9%.
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advertising company for the "economic man" the implementation of the strategic transfer of advertising, positioning it as a "curious about the knowledge of people". After that, the British version of the international news and weekly demand for a substantial increase. "The economist" British publisher Yvonne Aosaman (YvonneOssman) said the increased number of readers very carefully in the UK, from business and finance to expand the reader, "reached a curious person of knowledge, these people have a strong interest in different views and culture".
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last summer, the launch of the first two years of the first promotional activities. This kind of advertising by emphasizing the innovation and individuality in width, thus changing the non "economist" Readers’ understanding of the dry publications or talk about financial mistakes. This called "where do you stand? The content of the nature of the advertising campaign, including: the case of the drug, the right to vote, and the sale of human organs.
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it is reported that the global sales of the economist grew by 3.7%, to 1473939. Osama told the media weekly said: "we have changed our position, no longer become the exclusive publication,dior watch, so we see the growth opportunities in the UK market. I think, people expect the wisdom of the collision. Therefore, our topic is very important in the society."
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November, "the economist" released 3 free applications, each week to provide consumers with a sample of editors. Osama said: "iP>